Where to start the job search?

While the overall situation in the world and the job market is not particularly bright, it is important to remember that this is a long game and the one who holds on will win. Therefore, we all need to have patience and foremost make sure that we are okay. Just like in the instructions for an airplane in case of an emergency - first help yourself, then help others. This means that first and foremost you need to make sure that you are safe and that you can take cover from any threats at any time, that you have Plan A, B, C, and D and that you are ready to execute them. Therefore, if you have not yet worried about your physical safety, it is time to do so.

Secondly, make sure that you are able to function, you can continue your studies, you can continue working on your job search, and most importantly that you can work once you find a job. Because if you are barely surviving and your nervous system is already exhausted in your job search, how do you plan to put twice as much effort into the job? Understand that if you can afford to study unfamiliar topics at your own pace, look for answers to questions, etc., then during work there will often be a strict deadline, usually measured in hours, not days. So if you understand that you are on the verge and can no longer cope, it is time to take a break, perhaps not stop completely but reduce your workload to a minimum in order to regain your strength, take care of your mental health and make sure that you are able to move forward.

How do you understand that your energy is running out?

nicollazzi xiong: https://www.pexels.com/ru-ru/photo/668353/

If you do not understand that you are about to "run out" soon, here are a few simple "red flags" that you can use to check your condition:

I hope I was able to convince you that your well-being and state of mind are important aspects without which the job search process can take forever. Not to mention that even if you manage to get a job, you will have to work even harder! You will have to work even more and if you can't handle it once, it will already be a big problem, because the next employer is unlikely to prefer someone who has already failed to fit into the work and show themselves. Therefore, take your condition seriously and try to do everything to be able to effectively perform your tasks.

A few tips

Jess Bailey Designs: https://www.pexels.com/ru-ru/photo/743986/

I would also like to recommend a few simple practices and a couple of resources for help:

You can find a huge amount of material on stress and anxiety management online and start trying different practices and techniques. The most important thing is that they help you.